Over the past few years we have funded a number of school projects and activities, including the following:
Outdoor gym equipment, Christmas pantomime company visits, KS1 i-risers, musical instruments, plants and seating for the O Zone, two class sets of ties for Christmas concerts, socks for sports kits, sand pit, water table and stage for year R, Year 6 leavers gifts, Ice poles for after sports day, book bags for Year R, gifts for the May King, Queen and attendants at the Summer Fayre, various items of equipment for each class, IT equipment, garden club equipment.
Academic Year Fundraising totals:
£16,900.76 - 2016-2017
£15, 602.63 - 2017 - 2018
£11,784.44 - 2018-2019
Our fundraising aim for 2019-2020
We are currently fundraising to improve our children's playtime experience, purchasing a range of outdoor equipment and re-painting the playground with games to play. Encouraging them to cooperate, share and play with a respect for themselves and others.
2020/21 Diary dates
During these difficult times we have cancelled all events for the rest of the year but rest assured we are all still thinking about some great activities for when we can all come together again. Do contact us if you have any ideas also.
Our class reps are busy posting ideas on their WhatsApp groups for parents and carers looking after children at home.
We're looking forward to when we can all come together again and in the meantime we would like to thank parents, teachers and children for their great pictures and videos, Thinking of you all.
Contact Us:
E mail - parents.association@crockenhill.kent.sch.uk