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Caspers Term 2 Autumn 2019 booking form

Meet the CASPERS Team


Breakfast Club has been running for several years now and is well established and very popular. It has a great atmosphere and is a place where children can meet with their friends before school and enjoy a healthy breakfast together.  It runs from 7.30 am - 9.00 am every morning , term time only.  We close the  doors to breakfast club promptly at 8.30 am.  The cost is £4.00 per child per session for prebooked and £5 for on the day bookings.  You are welcome to just drop in on the day for Breakfast Club without booking. 


After School Club


After school club is provided by the team everyday from end of school to 5:45pm.  Pre booking is essential via a Booking form at £9 per session.  These are available on the Website, from the office or Mrs Bradley.  On the day bookings can be taken if there is space - spaces are limited.  Please call Caspers on 07436289735 to see if a space is available  on the day bookings are charged at £12.  All payment is made via the school gateway. 

